
Sins of a solar empire galaxy forge
Sins of a solar empire galaxy forge

sins of a solar empire galaxy forge

Titans of Cimtar - Secure your planet from among the 8 gas giants dominating the map, then make war upon your neighbors.ĭeath Spiral - The system is falling into a black hole and your enemies aren’t about to let you leave without a fight.ĭogfight - Lead your allies into glorious battle amongst the stars in this huge map.īuzzsaw - Make one mistake and you may lose more than you bargained for in this spiral galaxy that leaves no room for error. Ironheart - Flanked by an enemy on each side, you must prioritize your resources carefully to achieve victory. High Stakes - Build a powerful fleet and seize the resource rich planets from enemy militia. Slim Pickings - Claim what remains among the war-torn stars and seize what you can from the other empires.Ĭrossfire - Take your enemy’s homeworlds and coordinate your assault with your ally in order to win. Power Struggle - Contest the distant resource fields and nearby planets before striking at the enemy’s homeworld. And, just to make sure they are fully motivated to do what they do best, all credits spent on bounties will receive an automatic bonus. Pirate Turf: Vicious when in their home sector, pirates can now raid multiple players simultaneously, drastically changing the art of the bidding war.

sins of a solar empire galaxy forge

Use them to help defend your worlds, or coordinate your attacks with their strikes for maximum impact. Rampant Militias: Autonomous planetary militias will grow, raid nearby systems, and repopulate over time. The increased corruption from this black market activity will reduce that planet's tax income. Smuggling Specialization: Choose this planetary development to grab a cut of everyone's trade income - but at a cost. "Outlaw Sectors" Gameplay Option: The lawless fringe is increasingly hostile, but for those with a criminal mind it's also rich with new opportunities. The variety of map sizes and designs will let you enjoy any kind of match you want, from intimate 1v1 duels all the way to epic 10-player brawls. Challenge yourself with new strategies and unique setups with the new "Outlaw Sectors" gameplay option and brand new maps for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.

Sins of a solar empire galaxy forge