
Malicious mischief 3rd degree
Malicious mischief 3rd degree

Third Degree Felony – maximum sentence of 7 years in jail and a $15,000.00 fine – if the value of the loss or damage exceeds $5,000.00 or if the damage causes a “substantial interruption or impairment of public communication”.Pennsylvania classifies criminal mischief as: While summary offenses are not as severe as misdemeanor or felony offenses, summary convictions can appear on background searches that are often conducted by private employers and even landlords, so convictions of even minor offenses can have an impact on a person’s ability to get a job.

malicious mischief 3rd degree

The severity of a Pennsylvania criminal mischief charge is primarily based upon the value of the property that was damaged, ranging from as low as a summary offense to a misdemeanor to a felony. Severity of Pennsylvania Criminal Mischief Charge Grading and Penalties for Criminal MischiefĪ charge of criminal mischief alleges that a person caused damage to property.

Malicious mischief 3rd degree