
Diablo 3 patch notes 2019
Diablo 3 patch notes 2019

Legendary crafting recipes received several changes: Unique crafting materials are no longer required, no longer drop, and old versions were made grey and can be sold to a vendor for 50,000 gold each.The Monk Monkey King's Garb and Raiment of a Thousand Storms highest set bonuses were dramatically improved.

diablo 3 patch notes 2019

  • The Monk passive Momentum was improved: reduced the distance required from 30 to 25 yards damage bonus increased from 15% to 20% duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
  • The animation speed for Barbarian's Leap was increased, making it faster than it was for both male and female Barbarians pre-patch 2.0.5.
  • Resolved an issue where the Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 piece set bonus did not benefit from +% Lightning Damage.
  • diablo 3 patch notes 2019

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Rend to gain the benefit of Critical Hit Chance twice, that was an unintentional result of the fix made to the +% Damage for Rend affix applied in patch 2.0.6.

  • Diablo 3 patch notes 2019